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Pam and John contacted me through Lindy Fuller, a good friend of mine. They came over from Texas and we spent the day taking some sweet stuff. What is amazing though is that the one day they decide to come to “Sunny” Santa Barbara, Yep you guessed it, it was raining. But we didn’t let […]


Pam and John’s Engagements

Another wonderful Sunset.. WOW!!… Just sitting out there watching the haze and the colors build as the sun went down today was awesome. Santa Barbara is pretty amazing at times. Everyday is amazing and we should all go enjoy the nature that is around us no matter where we are. It is there everyday, take […]


Gorgeous Sunset

Soooooooooo…This post is directly related to Josh Newton and Bobby Earle’s trip to Thailand which you can see by clicking the link.. So if either of you are reading this, I can have fun too!! I want to show you that you can have just as much fun in the U.S. as you can in […]



As I was editing Vanessa and Toby’s wedding this last week I came across another one of those images that makes the whole day worth it…! I don’t know why but this picture just stands out to me… Anyways it wasn’t in my favorites and I wanted to post it!… And later on tomorrow in […]


I came across an awesome shot!

To start off, this wedding was so AMAZING!!! I loved every part of it.. Toby and Vanessa were such a cool couple and had their time to shine on Saturday =). It was awesome to meet two meet people with hearts of gold come together on such a spectacular. Their wedding was in Santa Barbara […]


Toby and Vanessa Full Post!!