2010 Wedding Photojournalism

This year has been such an awesome experience… I am so blessed to have such an amazing job. I decided to go through and choose some of my favorite shots from 2010 to represent some of the incredible people that I had the opportunity of meeting. This was such an awesome year that helped me grow in countless ways as an artist and as a young man. I take great pride in my career and the passion/gift God has given me as a photographer. It has opened my eyes to new and exciting things while also showing me how to love and remember why I am here doing what I do, the people.. I am a person of simple words but I cannot express to you how incredible it has been to show you, the viewer whoever you may be, the people’s lives I have touched with my work. I am not writing this to over glorify what I do but simply to show the impact it has had on my life. As cliche and over used as it may sound, my job is about others. There is nothing in the world that I would rather be doing than showing everyone how awesome these people are. In fact, in this post I would like you to see how they have touched my life in allowing God’s gift to me, be their story through images. Furthermore, thank you to all my close friends for your encouragement, your kind words, being an inspiration, teaching me in ways you did not know would actually touch my life, your awesomeness, and well …. your awesome awesomeness. =)

With much love, Cheers to 2010!!! Bring it on 2011..
Thank you very very very much for looking around..


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  1. Tim Newton says:


    Your work blesses many!!! Thank you for sharing it. It's really fun and inspiring to experience the beauty you bring to your work. I imagine seeing through your lens is like seeing through your eyes. That would be consistent with the Montana I know. Rock on in 2011!!! 🙂


  2. Tim Newton says:

    PS: I liked your old watermark better. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    I know Ted and I can't wait for our day! You do amazing stuff! 😛

  4. Montana Dennis says:

    Thank you Mrs. Tim Newton!! I really appreciate you keepin up with my stuff!!! Also I liked my old water mark but I think this one fits just a little better.. However, I appreciate and welcome the critiques =)

  5. Tim Newton says:


    The new watermark is maybe more clear and businesslike. But the old one has more flare, charm, and character, like you. 🙂


  6. Tim Newton says:

    and flair. 🙂

  7. Montana Dennis says:

    WoW!!!! Mr. ….!!!!! WOW!!! That's a new one for me. hahahahahha I agree.. It's hard to decide.. But I wanted it to be just a little more business like. Placement for the signature was hard to find on my website and my pictures sometimes.

  8. Russell & Karis says:

    Quad fist pump!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Your photography is inspiring (to say the least)! Keep on keepin' on my friend!

    ~Kristen Labahn